The upcoming English day [My Danial Hakimi]

 Hello everyone! It's me Danial Hakimi back at it again with another blog. Today's blog is about the upcoming English, Math's and Science day. I and 7 others were selected  to be performing up stage for a jazz chant. my title is the policeman.

Me and my other friends joined the mathematics fancy dress and the science experiment. my idea for a fancy dress is to be wearing a wizard themed costume, I'll make a wizard hat with mathematical equations and for the science experiment is just a couple materials, such as a nail, copper wire and a battery. My love for English and Mathematics is enormous, even thought the mathematical questions are sometimes hard to do I still love doing them, it gives me something to do when I am bored.

Me and my friends are stoked when the day comes! The date is going to be 26th June , Saturday. There will be smiles and laughter to be remembered, faces to see, friends to be remembered by and teachers to remember and cherish for their sacrifice to teach us unwary children. It's my last year at this school, I'll be moving to a a middle school. I'll learn new things, hard or easy it doesn't matter, we won't give up or those sacrifices made by those teachers will be a waste if we give up wouldn't it?

That's all for now friends! This is Danial Hakimi and I'll see in the next blog. And remember to give some love, don't give up, be strong and be nice to everyone in need.
